
Tobacco Production's Enfluence to Mei-Nung Da-Chih-Shia Settlement Space





學年度: 81




第一章        說明研究動機,界定研究的時間與空間範圍及研究架構,並作既有文獻的回顧。

第二章        探討台灣菸業專賣制度之形成與影響。

第三章        以美濃大崎下為例,藉由對地籍資料的復原,探討菸業聚落之形成與變遷。

第四章        論述菸業對生活的影響及菸葉生產空間與聚落空間的關係。

    This thesis' research about Mei-Nung Hakka settlement difference which about bring in tobacco production's reasonof form and process of change . Tobacco house was construct because of demand of product , throuth the building I try to analyze some phenomone existed behind .

    Da-Chi-Shia because of improved agriculture water sou- cer in Japan colony period ,  could plant two times rice crop . And beacouse of the other reason like suit enviro- ment , plenty labour , etc . So settlement join the act- ion of plant tobacco in later colony period . Meantime the network ofchange labour appeared formed a new con- struction of local society . In the meantime when inner structure was turned , the Tobacco house played a important role , becouse it had complexed function in toast tobacco , permit plant , etc . So where it setted was became important . Accoding mention , tobacco production is not bad to set- tlement , its promise value mentain living of farmer , im proved land use value built a new realationship of socie- ty . In the other hand the space appear different feature beacouse of the tobacco field and tobacco house . Research mention about:

Chapter 1 :Research action time and space range network and review of related data and book .

Chapter 2 :Analyze Taiwan Tobacco Monopoly Rule .

Chapter 3 :For instance of Da-Chi-Shia trying from the revive of land data to analyze formed and change of tobacco settlement .

Chapter 4 :Talk about the relationship which product space and settlement site .  





